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中考二轮考点专项训练28 句子翻译 <br />‎(一)汉译英 <br />根据中文意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。‎ <br />‎1. 建立自贸区为福州带来新的机遇。‎ <br />‎__________ up the free-trade zone __________ new possibilities to Fuzhou.‎ <br />‎2. 为纪念抗日战争胜利七十周年,全国将于‎9月3日放假。‎ <br />There’s going to __________ a national holiday on September ‎3 in memory of China’s ‎ <br />‎__________ in Anti-Japanese War seventy years ago.‎ <br />‎3. 多么令人悲伤的消息啊!数以千计的人在尼泊尔地丧中丧生。‎ <br />‎__________ sad news! __________ of people lost their lives in the earthquake in Nepal.‎ <br />‎4. 别忘了毕业后与你的老师和同学保持联系=‎ <br />Don’t __________ to keep in __________ with your teachers and classmates after you graduate.‎ <br /> <br />‎5. 只耍我们共同努力,中国梦就一定会实现。‎ <br />As __________ as we work hard, China Dream is sure to come __________. ‎ <br />‎6. 我哥哥过去常常在周六去钓鱼。‎ <br />My brother _________ _________ go fishing on Saturdays.‎ <br />‎7. 每天阅读是一种好习惯。‎ <br />‎_________ every day _________ a good habit.‎ <br />‎8. 他借那本杂志多久了?‎ <br />How _________ has he _________ the magazine?‎ <br />‎9. 他们以多彩的生活而出名。‎ <br />They are famous _________ their _________ life.‎ <br />‎10.只有海伦能办好那件事。‎ <br />‎_________ _________ Helen is able to deal with it well.‎ <br />‎11. 现在越来越多的外国人对中国文化感兴趣了。 ‎ <br />Now more and more foreigners______ ______ ______ Chinese culture. ‎ <br />‎12. 根据奶奶的建议,这汤应该煮上两个小时以上。 ‎ <br />The soup______ ______ ______ for more than two hours according to Grandma. ‎ <br />‎13. 我桌子上的钥匙不见了,不知谁拿走了。 ‎ <br />The key on my desk is gone. I wonder______ ______ it away. ‎ <br />‎14. 这部电影真乏味啊!我都快睡着了。 ‎ <br />‎______ ______ ______ movie it was! I almost fell asleep. ‎ <br />‎15. 如果你现在不出发,你就会错过末班车。‎ <br />‎______ you don’t leave now, you______ ______ the final bus.‎ <br />‎16.2015年,&ldquo;duang&rdquo;这个词在因特网上很流行,但是我们在现代汉语字典中找不到它。‎ <br />The word &ldquo;duang&rdquo; is very _________on the Internet in 2015, but we can’t find it in a modern Chinese ___________‎ <br />‎17.雾霾对我们的健康有害,人人都应参与到拯救环境的行列中。‎ <br />Thick haze is bad for our health. Everyone should _______ _______ in saving the environment.‎ <br />‎18.刘翔虽然告别了他心爱的跨栏,但我们依然以他为骄傲。‎ <br />Liu Xiang said goodbye to his loved hurdle, but we are ______ ______ him.‎ <br />‎19.不要花费太多时间在游戏上,我认为你是在浪费生命。‎ <br />Don’t spend too much time on games. I think you _______ _______ the life.‎ <br />‎20.令我们惊讶的是,在中国达人秀里,刘伟用脚弹钢琴弹得如此之好。‎ <br />To _______ _______ Liu Wei played the piano by foot so well in China’s Got Talent.‎ <br />‎21. 我通常每天早上6:30起床。(完成译句) ‎ <br />‎ I usually ______ ______ at 6:30 every morning. ‎ <br />‎22. 这个女孩年龄太小不能自己穿衣。(完成译句) ‎ <br />‎ The girl is ______ young _______ dress herself. ‎ <br />根据所给汉语和句子意思,用英语补全句子。‎ <br />‎23. Now more and more young people ________(让座)the elderly on the bus in our city.‎ <br />‎24. Sandy is looking forward to_________(成为一员)the Papercut Club of our school.‎ <br />‎25. &mdash;I miss... 查看更多

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