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  • 2023-08-18 18:06:02
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反意疑问句 <br />‎  反意疑问句,即在陈述句之后附加一个附加问句,由附加问句对前面陈述的内容提出反问。历年来,各省、市中考试题多采用选择填空或句型转换等题型来考查反意疑问句这一知识点。这部分内容主要把握好以下几点: ‎ <br />‎   ‎ <br />‎   一 附加问句的谓语形式 ‎ <br />‎   ‎ <br />‎   附加问句的谓语必须参照前面陈述部分的谓语形式,在人称、数和时态上与之保持一致。要注意&ldquo;前肯后否&rdquo;或&ldquo;前否后肯&rdquo;的原则,即:陈述部分用肯定句时,附加问句用否定形式(与not连用时要注意缩写);反之陈述部分为否定句时,附加问句用肯定形式。(陈述部分含有否定词not, never, hardly, seldom,few, little, neither, no, no one ,nobody, nothing, none等时应视为否定句) ‎ <br />‎  例1:We hear Jenny lives far from the school. She has lunch at school, ______? ‎ <br />‎  A. is she B. isn’t she  C. hasn’t she  D. doesn’t she ‎ <br />‎  例2:David had nothing for breakfast, ______? ‎ <br />‎  A. does he  B. did he  C. didn’t he  D. had he ‎ <br />‎   ‎ <br />‎   二 附加问句的主语形式 ‎ <br />‎   ‎ <br />‎  例3:Alice does her homework every day, ______? ‎ <br />‎  A. do she B. does Alice ‎ <br />‎  C. doesn’t Alice D. doesn’t she ‎ <br />‎  附加问句的主语一般用人称代词主格形式,Alice的人称代词主格是she。 ‎ <br />‎  例4:There isn’t any chicken on the plate,______? ‎ <br />‎  A. is it B. isn’t it  C. isn’t there  D. is there ‎ <br />‎  there be结构后面的附加问句依然采用there be的问句形式。 ‎ <br />‎   ‎ <br />‎   三 祈使句的反意疑问句 ‎ <br />‎   ‎ <br />‎  肯定祈使句的反意疑问句其附加问句通常用will you, won’t you, would you, can you, can’t you, could you等。否定祈使句的附加问句一般用will you。以 Let’s(注意不是let us)开头的祈使句的反意疑问句其附加问句用shall we。 ‎ <br />‎  例5:Don’t smoke in the meeting room,______? ‎ <br />‎  A. do you  B. will you  C. can you  D. could you ‎ <br />‎  例6: ─Let’s go and fly kites, ______? ‎ <br />‎  ─Wonderful. ‎ <br />‎  A. will you  B. shall we  C. don’t you  D. do you ‎ <br /> <br />‎   ‎ <br />‎   四 反意疑问句的回答 ‎ <br />‎   ‎ <br />‎  反意疑问句的回答形式类似于一般疑问句,即yes后面无not, no后面带not。当反意疑问句为&ldquo;前肯后否&rdquo;时,yes仍译作&ldquo;是&rdquo;,no译作&ldquo;不&rdquo;。 ‎ <br />‎  例7:─Cathy is reading an English magazine now, isn’t she? ‎ <br />‎  ─______. She is busy cleaning the house. ‎ <br />‎  A. No, she is B. Yes, she isn’t ‎ <br />‎  C. Yes, she is  D. No, she isn’t ‎ <br />‎  例8: ─He isn&#039;t a teacher, is he? ‎ <br />‎  ─______. He works in a bookshop. ‎ <br />‎  A. Yes, he is B. No, he isn’t ‎ <br />‎  C. Yes, he isn’t  D. No, he is ‎ <br />‎  要注意,当反意疑问句为&ldquo;前否后肯&rdquo;时,yes译为&ldquo;不&rdquo;, 而no译成&ldquo;是&rdquo;。此题答案中的No译作&ldquo;是&rdquo;, he isn’t相当于he isn’t a teacher。 ‎ <br />‎   ‎ <br />‎   五 反意疑问句的特殊形式 ‎ <br />‎   ‎ <br />‎  当陈述部分为复合句时,一般情况下,附加问句应同陈述部分的主句保持一致。 ‎ <br />‎  例9:He said that he wouldn’t leave for Shanghai the next week, _____? ‎ <br />‎  A. didn’t he  B. did he C. wouldn’t he D. would he ‎ <br />‎   例10:I think Kate liked singing at that time, _____? ‎ <br />‎  A. don’t I B. do I C. didn’t she D. did she ‎ <br />‎  当陈述部分的主句是I think, I believe, I gu... 查看更多

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