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  • 2023-08-15 09:48:01
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专题强化练十八 组合练(五) <br />Ⅰ.阅读理解 <br />A <br />A few years ago , Darla Hoff painted a pumpkin face onto a <br />round straw bale ( 捆 ) at Al and Karen Goldman&#039;s farm in Idaho <br />Falls to advertize her U - pick pumpkin field. While Darla has <br />stopped growing pumpkins,the annual tradition of straw bale art <br />lives on at the farm and has drawn friends and neighbours to <br />participate in it.Past creations have included an owl , minions , <br />tractors and a teddy bear. <br />To make the tractors , Al baled round straw bales in two <br />different sizes&mdash;smaller ones for the tractor&#039;s front tires and larger <br />ones for the rear ( 尾 部 ) . Large square bales made up the <br />bodies.Jerry Kienlen used his farming equipment to arrange the <br />bales in the shape of two tractors.Then it was time to bring the <br />tractors to life.Karen and her daughter,Lana Hedrick,secured some <br />green paint,and Al got some red paint.Darla&#039;s husband,James, <br />sprayed the__creation with a paint gun.For the finishing touches <br />Steven donated two shiny exhaust stacks (排气管),and Al and Karen <br />donated two steering wheels from their farm parts. <br />The farm&#039;s annual straw bale art projects have now become a <br />way for everyone to celebrate the end of another growing season.It&#039;s <br />just something fun to do together after harvest.This neighbourhood <br />has always been close.Generations of these families have grown crops <br />in this soil.Raised on the farms where they live now,they grew up <br />together as their elders did before.Al and Karen are truly super <br />neighbours.Every year they also grow about two acres of corn to give <br />away.Anyone can pick some,or Al and Karen will even deliver.And <br />during long Idaho winters , everyone gathers at the farm to enjoy <br />fresh coffee and cookies. <br />This year&#039;s straw bale creation theme is Straw Wars.And all <br />eyes will be on Al and Karen&#039;s farm as their creation takes shape. <br />【语篇解读】 原本作为广告的南瓜脸稻草捆,后来演变成了一 <br />年一度的稻草捆艺术展。为了庆祝收获季节,每年的稻草捆艺术展都 <br />有不同的主题。今年的稻草捆艺术展就要开始了,所有人都期待着。 <br />1.Why did Darla paint a pumpkin face onto a straw bale? <br />A.To recycle straw bales. <br />B.To please her neighbours. <br />C.To create a new tradition. <br />D.To make an advertizement. <br />解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第一句&ldquo;A few years ago,Darla <br />Hoff painted a pumpkin face onto a round straw bale at Al and <br />Karen Goldman&#039;s farm in Idaho Falls to advertize her U - pick <br />pumpkin field.&rdquo;可知,达拉在圆稻草捆上画一个南瓜脸是为了做广 <br />告,故选 D 项。 <br />答案:D <br />2.What does the underlined phrase&ldquo;the creation&rdquo;in Paragraph <br />2 refer to? <br />A.The straw bale tires. <br />B.The square straw bales. <br />C.The straw bale tractors. <br />D.The farmi... 查看更多

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