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  • 2023-08-15 09:42:01
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专题强化练十五 组合练(二) <br />Ⅰ.阅读理解 <br />It was just one word in one e-mail,but it caused huge financial <br />losses for a multinational company.The message,written in English, <br />was sent by a native speaker to a colleague for whom English was a <br />second language.Unsure of the word , the receiver found two <br />contradictory meanings in his dictionary.He acted on the wrong <br />one.Months later,senior management investigated why the project <br />had failed,costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. <br />When such misunderstandings happen , it&#039;s usually the native <br />speakers who are to blame.Ironically,they are worse at delivering <br />their message than people who speak English as a second or third <br />language. <br />A lot of native speakers are happy that English has become the <br />world&#039;s global language.They don&#039;t feel the need to accommodate or <br />adapt to others.They often talk too fast for others to follow,and use <br />jokes , slang , short forms and references specific to their own <br />culture. &ldquo; The first time I worked in an international institution , <br />somebody said‘ETA 16 : 53’and I thought‘What on earth is <br />ETA?’&rdquo;says Michael Blattrer,an executive in an international <br />company. <br />And then there&#039;s cultural style.When a British reacts to a <br />proposal by saying&ldquo;That&#039;s interesting&rdquo; , a fellow British might <br />recognize this as&ldquo;That&#039;s rubbish.&rdquo;But other nationalities would take <br />the word&ldquo;interesting&rdquo;on face value. <br />Also,lots of the information is not fully understood because of <br />the complex language native speakers use.Too many non - native <br />speakers ,especially the Asians and the French ,are too concerned <br />about not&ldquo;losing face&rdquo;and nod approvingly while not getting the <br />message at all , because of which , the native speakers continue <br />delivering information that makes little sense to them.The <br />information gap is unnoticed and keeps widening. <br />Native speakers should communicate efficiently with simple <br />language.When trying to communicate in English with a group of <br />people with different levels of fluency , it&#039;s important for native <br />speakers to make the same point in a couple of different ways and <br />ask for some acknowledgement , reaction and action , to know <br />whether they&#039;ve been understood or not. <br />【语篇解读】 当母语是英语的人和母语是非英语的人交流时, <br />由于前者的表达习惯,比如用一些俚语、简略语等,而后者又碍于面 <br />子不懂装懂,因此产生的信息沟越来越大。本文建议母语是英语的人 <br />在与母语不是英语的人交流时使用简单的语言、采取互动等方法以使 <br />后者更好地理解。 <br />1.The first paragraph of the passage is written to________. <br />A.tell readers an interesting story <br />B.introduce the topic of the passage <br />C.state the importance of English <br />D.show an example of communication <br />解析:推理判断题。... 查看更多

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