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  • 2023-08-15 09:18:01
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专题强化练八 完形填空(三) <br />(1) <br />Ever since an accident put him in a wheelchair,Dan has had one <br />dream:__1__. <br />That is why he was__2__to learn about a piece of research that <br />could possibly lead to his__3__.But there are two__4__.First,the <br />research may take years before it becomes a treatment.And the <br />second is the most__5__of all considerations:money.__6__by love for <br />Dan,friends worked hard through a series of__7__to raise 20,000 <br />pounds for his future surgery.Dan felt he could really start looking <br />toward the day when he could turn his__8__into a reality. <br />Then he__9__Brecon , a 5-year-old who__10__from cerebral <br />palsy(脑瘫).Dan read about a new surgical procedure that could <br />allow the little boy to walk__11__.But the surgery would__12__more <br />than 60 , 000 pounds&mdash;money Brecon&#039;s parents were having <br />a__13__time raising. <br />Dan said ,&ldquo; I&#039;m in pretty much the__14__condition , but it <br />appears that Brecon can__15__walk if he gets his surgery,and I can&#039;t <br />right now.So I thought I might as well pass the money on to him.I&#039;m <br />incredibly__16__to everyone who has helped me out , but this boy <br />needs it__17__I do at the moment.&rdquo; <br />And so he took his dream out of the bank and__18__it over to <br />Brecon&#039;s parents,telling them,&ldquo;It would make me very happy to see <br />the__19__made to Brecon&#039;s life.&rdquo; <br />&ldquo;I wanted to help someone whose life could get better,&rdquo;he said. <br />&ldquo; If I can help someone to walk , I will.Even if it means__20__a <br />dream to do it.&rdquo; <br />【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。Dan 因一起事故不能行走了, <br />只能依靠轮椅行动,他的梦想是有一天能站起来行走。在朋友的帮助 <br />下,他筹集到了手术的钱,但是适合他的治疗方法仍处于研究阶段。 <br />Dan 得知五岁的脑瘫男孩 Brecon 在手术成功后就能独力行走,便将 <br />自己准备动手术的钱赠给了 Brecon。 <br />【核心词汇】 lead to 导致&hellip;&hellip;,造成&hellip;&hellip; <br />barrier n.障碍;栅栏 <br />consideration n.体谅;考虑因素;考虑 <br />a series of 一系列 <br />surgical adj.外科的,外科手术用的 <br />procedure n.程序,手续 definitely adv.明确地;一定地 <br />incredibly adv.非常地;难以置信地 <br />1.A.lying      B.walking <br />C.jumping D.working <br />解析:根据&ldquo;Ever since an accident put him in a wheelchair&rdquo;可知, <br />因为一起事故,Dan 离不开轮椅了;结合常识可以判断,Dan 的梦想 <br />是能行走,walk 意为&ldquo;行走&rdquo;,故 B 项正确。 <br />答案:B <br />2.A.angry B.embarrassed <br />C.calm D.excited <br />解析:根据该段最后一句&ldquo;Dan felt he could really start looking <br />toward the day when he could turn his__8__into a reality&rdquo;可知,Dan <br />开始盼望着梦想成真的一天,所以当他得知一项能使他康复的研究会 <br />感到兴奋。excited 意为&ldquo;兴奋的&rdquo;,故 D 项正确。 <br />答案:D <br />3.A.recovery B.achievement <br />C.discovery D.commitment <br />解析:见第 2 小题解析。recovery 意为&ldquo;康复&rdquo;,故 A 项正确。 <br />答案:A <br />4.A.benefits B.hopes <br />C.barriers D.experiments <br />解析:根据空处后一句&ldquo;First,the research may take years before <br />it becomes a treatment &rdquo; 以 及 下 文 中 的 &ldquo; And the second is the <br />most__5__of all considerations:money&rdquo;可知,Dan 面临两个障碍。 <br />barrier... 查看更多

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