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2019 高考英语北京四中二轮练习资料:完形填空 01 含解析 <br />(****) <br />(2017&middot;成都三诊) <br />Yesterday,after telling my brother, Rhys, and me to stop playing like wild animals, Mom <br />went to take a bath. We were having a pillow fight when __1__ one hit a vase. Mom <br />__2__ the loud crash. Wasting no time,she went __3__ into the room. I was sure that she was <br />going to shout at us, but instead she just knelt by the __4__ and began to cry. <br />This made Rhys and me feel pretty __5__. We went over and put our arms round her, and <br />she explained to us why she was so upset. In the pieces __6__ a broken glass rose, one petal (花 <br />瓣) gone, which was given by Dad on their first wedding anniversary. Dad had said that if he ever <br />forgot to bring flowers home __7__ an anniversary in the future. Mom was to look at that one. <br />It was like their love:it would last a __8__. <br />We began crying, and __9__ to glue it. But Mom said that wouldn&#039;t really fix it. <br />__10__ it bad been broken,the __11__ of the&ldquo;limited edition&rdquo;had reduced. As Mom __12__ <br />began to pick up the mess, we tried everything we could think of to __13__ her up ,but even <br />our best funny faces didn&#039;t __14__. Tears kept coming down her cheeks. Everything was <br />picked up. Seeing Mom going back to the bath, I __15__ her and put both hands on her <br />shoulders , saying, &ldquo; All things can be __16__,Mom. The only thing that cannot be broken is <br />our __17__. It&#039;s the only thing that can never be broken.&rdquo; <br /> Mom hugged me very tightly and __18__ smiled. After dinner that night, Mom glued <br />the petal back onto the rose. Then she softly said. &ldquo;My rose is truly unique. Its tiny damages <br />remind me of __19__ more important:the realization that love __20__ forever.&rdquo; <br />再贵重的礼品也有毁坏的时候,但爱是永恒的。 <br />1.A. gradually B. suddenly <br />C. surprisingly D. immediately <br />答案:B。就在我们正打枕头仗时突然一个枕头击中了一个花瓶。suddenly 突然,意外 <br />地,冷不防。surprisingly 令人惊讶地,惊人地,出人意料地。由语境可知此处强调突然性, <br />应选 B。 <br />2.A. caused B. witnessed <br />C. heard D. ignored <br />答案:C。妈妈听见了响亮的破碎声。hear 听见。 <br />3.A. dressing B. shouting <br />C. wiping D. crying <br />答案:C。很快地,她一边擦着头一边进了房间。wipe 擦拭,揩。由首句中 Mom went to <br />take a bath 可推知答案。 <br />4.A. pieces B. vase <br />C. pillow D. ground <br />答案:A。我当时确信她会对我们大喊大叫,但她只是跪在碎片旁开始哭泣。由上文枕 <br />头击中花瓶,发出很响的声音可知,花瓶成了碎片(pieces)。 <br />5.A. disappointed B. angry ... 查看更多

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