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2019 高考英语二轮阅读理解讲与练(解析)-网络的发展与问题 <br />(1) <br />In a mouse that can speak acceptable? How about a dog with human hands or feet? <br />Scientists, the people that know how to make such things happen, are now thinking <br />about whether such experiments are morally right or not. <br />On November 10, Britain’s Academy of Medical Sciences launched a study on the use <br />of animals with human materials in scientific research. <br />The work is expected to take at least a year, but its leaders hope it will lead to <br />guidelines for scientists in Britain and around the world on how far they can go <br />mixing human genes into animals in search of ways to fight human disease. <br />&ldquo;Do these constructs challenge our idea what it is to be human?&rdquo; asked Martain <br />Borow, a professor of medical genetics at Cambridge University and chair of a 14-member <br />group looking into the disease.&ldquo;It is important that we consider these questions <br />now so that appropriate boundaries are recognized and research is able to fulfill <br />its potential.&rdquo; <br />Using human materials in animals is not new. Scientists have already created monkeys <br />that have a human form of the Huntingdon’s gene so they can study how the disease <br />develops; and mice with livers made with human cells are being used to study the <br />effects of new drugs.&rdquo; <br />However, scientists say the technology of putting ever greater amounts of human <br />genetic materials into animals is spreading quickly around the world, raising the <br />possibility that some scientists in some places may want to go further than is <br />morally acceptable. <br />&ldquo;There is a whole raft of new scientific techniques that will make it not only easier <br />but also more important to be able to do these cross-species experiments,&rdquo; Borow <br />said. <br />Last year, there was a lively debate over new laws allowing the creation of human <br />-animal embryos foe experiments. <br />On one side of the debate were religious groups, who claimed that such science <br />interferes with nature. Opposing -them- were scientists who pointed out that such <br />experiments were vital to the research on cures for diseases. <br />Borow said he and his colleagues did not want to see such arguments again and are <br />acting now so that they can influence such debate rather than have to react to it. <br />The experts will publish reports after the end of the study in which they give <br />definitions for animal embryos with human genes or cells, look at safety and animal <br />welfare issues, and consider the right legal framework to work within. <br />Scientists are concerned about_. <br />how to place human genes in animals <br /> how far they should go with experiments on animals with human genes <br />Whether such experiments will help cure human disease <br />Whether to make such experiments legal <br />The purpose of the study launched by Britain’s Academy of Medical Sciences is to-. <br />search for new ways to fight human disease <br />study the effects of new... 查看更多

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