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2019 高考英语二轮阅读理解强化系列(01)及解析<br />A<br />Children are turning away from schoolwork because they see education as unhelpful <br />to their ambition to become rich and famous as reality TV stars, a teaching union declares <br />today.<br />Their role models include David and Victoria Beckham and WAGs-wives and girlfriends <br />of highly paid footballers-according to the Association of Teachers and Lecturers.<br />It has put forward a suggestion for its annual conference this weekend saying that <br />members are &ldquo;terrified at the extent of the decline in this country into the admiration <br />of celebrity( 名 人 ), which is perverting( 扭 曲 ) children’s ambitions and <br />expectations&rdquo;. It adds: &ldquo;This compounds the after sense of failure and low self-<br />respect when celebrity status is not achieved.&rdquo;<br />The union asked 300 teachers about whom their pupils modeled themselves on. More <br />than half said David Beckham, Victoria Beckham, the former Spice Girl and self-professed <br />fashion expert, was a role model for almost a third of girls.<br />Almost two thirds of teachers said children they taught desired to be sports stars <br />or pop singers. Many said their pupils sought to be famous with no recognizable talent. <br />A third of teachers said that Paris Hilton, the heiress(继承人) of Hilton hotel, was <br />a favorite role model.<br />Julie Gilligan, a primary school teacher in Salford, said that she had seen and heard <br />pupils imitating the behavior and language of footballers and pop stars in the playground <br />and in school, &ldquo;including disturbingly age-inappropriate acts by young girls in school <br />talent shows&rdquo;.<br />Another member, Elizabeth Farrar, who teaches in a primary school near Scunthorpe, <br />North Lincolnshire, said: &ldquo;Too many of the pupils believe that academic success is <br />unnecessary, because they will be able to access fame and fortune quite easily through <br />a reality TV show.&rdquo;<br />Robert Sanders, a junior school teacher in Bath, said: &ldquo;One girl said that she wished <br />to be a WAG.&rdquo;<br />Mary Bousted, the general secretary of the association, said: &ldquo;We are not surprised <br />about the spread of celebrity culture in schools- it reflects the current media <br />obsession(着迷) with celebrities and the effect of celebrity culture on society as a <br />whole. Celebrities can have a positive effect on pupils. They can raise pupils’ <br />ambitions for the future.&rdquo;<br />&ldquo;However, we are deeply concerned that many pupils believe celebrity status is <br />available to everyone. They do not understand the hard work it takes to achieve such <br />status and do not think it is important to be actively engaged in schoolwork as education <br />is not needed for a celebrity status.&rdquo;<br />5.Most children think that ______.<br />A. it is easy to be celebrities<br />B. it is difficult to be celebrities<br />C. education is very important<br />D. Victoria Beckham is their role model<br />6.According to the members of Association of Teachers and Lecturers, which of the ... 查看更多

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