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2014 高考英语阅读理解基础训练二轮精品题(13)及答案 <br />阅读理解 <br />Hannah Teter looks like a typical teenager, not someone you would expect to <br />see in a luxurious (奢华的) hotel. But that’s exactly where she was, transformed <br />from a small town girl with big dreams to a gold-medal snowboarder getting the <br />big-time &quot;star&quot; treatment. <br />Ever since her incredible performance in the 2006 Winter Olympic Games in Torino, <br />Italy, Hannah has been showered with attention. She’s done countless interviews, <br />appearing on shows like Jimmy Kimmel and David Letterman. It’s a long way from <br />Belmont, Vermont, with its population of 421 people. <br />&quot;I grew up in a tiny town and a small school, I was just this hometown girl,&quot; <br />said Hannah, during a break at the World Congress of Sport, a major conference about <br />the business of sports being held in New York City. While her life has definitely <br />changed in the last few weeks, one thing remains the same &mdash; her positive attitude. <br />&quot;The funny thing is that I still feel like an ordinary snowboard girl... People ask <br />me, ‘So has your head gotten any bigger?’ but I don’t feel like it’s gotten <br />any bigger. I still feel normal.&quot; <br />What’s the biggest lesson that Hannah has learned through her unbelievable <br />success?&quot;I grew up in Vermont, &quot;Hannah said. &quot;I have that kind of background where <br />life’s about snowboarding, but it’s so much more than that. This is an opportunity <br />to get out there and maybe make a change in the world.&quot; <br />And it looks like she is doing just that. She is starting a sugar brand named <br />&quot;Hannah’s Gold&quot;, and the profits(利润) will go to World Vision, an international <br />charity that helps everyone from orphans ( 孤 儿 ) in Asia to AIDS victims in <br />Africa. &quot;People come up to me and they’re excited about what I’ve done, &quot;Hannah <br />said.&quot; And that makes me excited, because I love what I do.&quot; <br />68.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? <br />A.A Snowboarder B.Work for Sports <br />C.Hannah’s Gold D.A Successful Life <br />69.What do you know about Hannah Teter according to the passage? <br />A.She is the world’s best competition snowboarder. <br />B.She is a modest snowboarder with great success. <br />C.People are afraid that her head has gotten much bigger. <br />D.The key to her success lies in her snowboarding family. <br />70.How does Hannah make a change in the world after becoming a champion? <br />A.She contributes to World Vision. <br />B.She remains positive and modest in life. <br />C.She frequently appears on entertainment shows. <br />D.She helps children in World Vision orphaned by AIDS. <br />【参考答案】68--70、CBA <br />A <br />I think it was my mother who taught me the meaning of honesty. Not because <br />she actually was honest, but because she lied all the time. She felt that the easiest <br />way out of any given situation was generally the best way out. And, for her, that <br />generally meant telling a &ldquo;little... 查看更多

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