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2014 高考英语阅读理解基础训练二轮精品题(11)及答案 <br />阅读理解 <br />Survivors searched for loved ones on Monday in emergency centers across the <br />northeast coast of Japan, with thousands of people still missing after an earthquake <br />and tsunami that probably killed more than 10,000 people. <br />&ldquo;I’m looking for my parents and my elder brother,&rdquo; Yuko Abe, weeping, said <br />at an emergency center in a nearly flattened town of 24, 500 people. &ldquo;I also cannot <br />tell my relatives who live away that I am safe, as mobile phones and telephones are <br />not working.&rdquo; <br />Many people spent another freezing night huddling(蜷缩)in blankets around <br />heaters in shelters along the coast, a scene of devastation after the earthquake <br />sent a 10-meter wave surging(冲击) through towns and cities in the Miyagi <br />region, including its main coastal city of Sendai. <br />About 2,000 bodies were found on the shores of Miyagi. The nation struggled <br />with the worst disaster since World War Ⅱ. Almost two million households were <br />without power in the freezing north. There were about 1.4 million people without <br />running water. <br />Emiko Ohta, 52, wearing a mask and plastic gloves, searched through the remnants <br />of her home in the port town of Kuji. The house had been reduced to a pile of <br />dirt-covered rubble(碎石). &ldquo;I came to see if there’s anything usable. All my <br />kimonos(和服)are destroyed, but there are maybe some items of emotional value <br />here. I did find a bit of jewellery. Just a little,&rdquo; she said. <br />Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said food, water and other necessities such <br />as blankets were being delivered by vehicles but because of damage to roads, <br />authorities were considering air and sea transport. <br />A few employees at a factory in Kuji that manufactured shipping parts showed <br />up for work on Monday, even though it had been reduced to rubble. One young worker <br />said he came because it was a workday. Factory Chief Teruo Nakano said everyone who <br />worked there was safe and they were awaiting instructions from their leaders. He <br />planned to send workers home. <br />6. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the damage caused by the earthquake <br />and tsunami? <br /> A. Electricity cut off B. Lack of drinking water <br />C. Road destruction D. Breakdown of air transport <br />7. The underlined word &ldquo;remnants&rdquo; in the fifth paragraph probably means <br />&ldquo;_______&rdquo;. <br /> A. ruins B. neighborhoods C. dustbins D. drawers <br />8. What is TRUE about the earthquake according to the passage? <br /> A. It’s the worst one in Japanese history. <br />B. It caused yet another natural disaster. <br /> C. It killed 24, 500 people by flattening the town. <br />D. It has caused the extreme weather in the northeast. <br />9. We can infer from the passage that ______. <br /> A. kimonos and jewellery at this time are useless <br />B. there are enough ... 查看更多

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