
高考英语二轮复习精品资料专题01 名词与冠词

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2019 届高考英语二轮复习精品资料:专题 01 名词与冠词(高考押题) <br />一、单词填空 <br />1 . Don&#039;t wait for an ________ (apologize) . &ldquo;Many times the person who hurt you may never think of <br />apologizing,&rdquo; says Dr.Luskin. <br />apology 【解析】句意:不要等待道歉。拉斯科说:&ldquo;多次伤害你的人也许从来就不会考虑道歉。&rdquo;不定冠 <br />词 an 后须用名词形式,根据 apologize 可知答案填 apology。 <br />2.ike many popular restaurants in Paris,________(reserve)are hard to get at Dave,so I wasn&#039;t surprised <br />to find a complete sign hanging over the red door. <br />reservations 【解析】句意:就像巴黎许多受欢迎的餐馆一样,在 Dave 也很难预订,因此当我看见红色 <br />的门上挂着客人已满的招牌时并不惊讶。根据括号中的提示词及后面的谓语动词 are 可知,主语为名词复 <br />数形式,故填 reservations。 <br />3.He pushed and pulled with all his ________(strong)to move it. <br />strength 【解析】句意:他用力地推拉将它(石头)移走。分析句子结构可知,with 后面接名词,故填 strength。 <br />4 . He asked ________(permit)to introduce his friend , whose name was Mr Wickham , and who had <br />apparently arrived recently from London. <br />permission  <br />5.Experts hope the whole society pay more attention to the mental health of ________(adolescent). <br />adolescents 【解析】句意:专家们希望全社会都来关心青少年的心理健康。根据句意可知,此处泛指&ldquo;青 <br />少年&rdquo;,用复数表示泛指,故填 adolescents。 <br />6.Girls are luckier than boys;they have more flexible ________(choose)than boys. <br />choices 【解析】句意:女孩比男孩要幸运些,她们比男孩有更灵活的选择。前面 flexible 是形容词,后 <br />面须接名词;choice 此处应为可数名词,意味着多种选择,故填 choices。 <br />7.I have a strong ________(believe)that one day Chinese students can buy these tickets,too. <br />belief 【解析】句意:我坚信有朝一日中国学生也会购买这些票。空白处前面有 a strong 修饰,说明空白 <br />处须填可数名词单数。 <br />8.So I asked her why she sat there in ________(silent). <br />silence 【解析】句意:因此我问她为什么坐在那里沉默不语。in silence&ldquo;沉默&rdquo;,是固定用法。 <br />9.About 20 percent of ________(baby)feel nervous when they see strangers. <br />babies 【解析】句意:约百分之二十的婴儿见到陌生人会感到紧张。baby 是可数名词,前面有百分数修 <br />饰,故用复数形式。 <br />10.There was never a time when I had not called him and he did not call me right back within a couple of <br />________(hour). <br />hours 【解析】句意:当我给他打电话,如果他没接的话,他都会在几小时内回电话。可数名词 hour 前 <br />有 a couple of 修饰,故用复数形式。 <br />1.In the centre of the main road into the town,he placed ______ very large stone. <br />a 【解析】句意:他在进城的主干道中间放了一块很大的石头。在此 stone 作可数名词,意为&ldquo;一块石 <br />头&rdquo;,前面需要用不定冠词 a。 <br />2....when they heard the sound of horses,and saw Darcy and Bingley riding down the street.______ two <br />gentlemen came straight towards the ladies to greet them. <br />The  <br />3.They may have wanted to hurt you or they just don&#039;t see things ______ same way. <br />the 【解析】句意:他们可能想过要伤害你,或者他们并没有用同样的方式看待事情。当名词前面有形容 <br />词 same 修饰时,same 前面必须加定冠词 the。 <br />4.On the third day,I received a message from Mike&#039;s wife that she s... 查看更多

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