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高考英语二轮复习易错题库之语法 3 <br />情态动词考点 <br />◆典型陷阱题分析◆ <br />1. &ldquo;Mike is often absent from class.&rdquo; &ldquo;Tell him he _____ answer for it if he goes on behaving <br />like that.&rdquo; <br />A. shall B. will <br />C. wou ld D. can <br />【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选。 <br />【分析】最佳答案选 A。shall 用作情态动词主要有以下两个用法: <br />(1) 用于疑问句中征求意见。如: <br />Shall I help you? 要不要我帮帮你? <br />Shall I open the window? 要我把窗子打开吗? <br />(2) 用于陈述句中表示允诺、告诫、警告、威胁、命令、规定、必然性等(可用于各类人称)。如: <br />You shall suffer for this. 你会为此事吃苦头的。(表威胁) <br />Each competitor shall wear a number. 每个参赛者要戴一个号码。(表规定) <br />You shall hear everything as soon as you come. 你一来就可听到所有情况了。(表允诺) <br />请做以下试题(答案均选 shall): <br />(1) &ldquo;I promise that she _____ get a nice present on her birthday.&rdquo; &ldquo;Will it be a great surprise <br />to her?&rdquo; <br />A. should B. must <br />C. would D. shall <br />2. You _______ pay too much attention to your reading skill, as it is so important. <br />A. cannot B. shouldn’t <br />C. mustn’t D. needn’t <br />【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选。 <br />【分析】最佳答案选 A。cannot&hellip;too&hellip;是英语中一个十分有用的表达,意为&ldquo;不可能太&hellip;&hellip;,无论怎 <br />样&hellip;&hellip;也不算过分,越&hellip;&hellip;越&hellip;&hellip;&rdquo;。如: <br />You can’t be too careful. 你越仔细越好。 <br />You can’t praise the too much. 这本书值得大加赞扬。 <br />We cannot work too much for the people. 我们为人民做工作是不可能做过头的。 <br />A woman cannot have too many clothes. 女人买的衣服再多也不算多。 <br />注:有时也可用 can never, impossible 等与 too 连用来表示类似意思。如: <br />It is impossible to get there too soon. 去那儿越早越好。 <br />3. &ldquo;Is John coming by train?&rdquo; &ldquo;He should, but he _____ not. He likes driving his car.&rdquo; <br />A. must B. can <br />C. need D. may <br />【陷阱】可能误选 B 或 C。 <br />【分析】最佳答案为 D。may 表推测,may not 意为&ldquo;可能不(会坐火车来)&rdquo;。句中的 He should 为 He should <br />come by train 之省略,由于其后出现转折连词 but,说明语意有变化,再结合下文的 He likes driving <br />his car,便可决定此题选 D。注意,不能选 B,因为 can 表示推测时通常不用肯定陈述句。 <br />4. &ldquo;I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.&rdquo; &ldquo;It ____ true because there was <br />little snow there.&rdquo; <br />A. may not be B. won’t be <br />C. couldn’t be D. mustn’t be <br />【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选。 <br />【分析】此题最佳答案为 C,主要由下文的 because there was little snow there 这一语境所决定,既 <br />然&ldquo;没下什么雪&rdquo;,那么&ldquo;滑雪&rdquo;就应是&ldquo;不可能&rdquo;,所以选 couldn’t be,即选 C。 <br />5. &ldquo;Do you think he is lazy?&rdquo; &ldquo;I _____ so once, but I don’t now.&rdquo; <br />A. may have thought B. can have thought <br />C. may think D. might think <br />答案选 A。从答话人的语境可知,空格处的意思&ldquo;曾经这样想过&rdquo;,即对过去情况作推测,故应用&ldquo;情态动 <br />词+动词完成式&rdquo;;又因为 can 表推测不用于肯定句,故选 A。请看类例: <br />Their answers are exactly the same &mdash; one of them ______ from the other. <br />A. must copy B. must have copied <br />C. should copy D. should have copied <br />答案选 B,既然两人的答案完全一样,说明&ldquo;抄袭&rdquo;已经发生,故用&ldquo;情态动词+动词完成式&rdquo;,根据句意, <br />应选 B 而不能选 D。 <br />6. You _____ be right, but I don’t think you are. <br />A. can B. could C. must ... 查看更多

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