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2013 届高考英语二轮复习书面表达复习专题 08 健康饮食话题指导<br />实例指导 1――学生如何饮食<br />【写作任务】<br />写好此种类型的作文要掌握一定的方法,注意行文的结构。<br />【学生习作】<br />Nowadays, ①there are more and more students get fatter and fatter, and ②two fifth <br />of them belong to the group of overweight students. In terms of beauty and health <br />they all hope to lose weight. Anyway, they should have a balanced diet.<br /> As we all know, it&#039;s very important for us to form healthy eating ③habbits. <br />However, some of us usually go to school without breakfast; some are fond of soft <br />drinks and sweet food rather than nutritious food; others are particular about food <br />and still some eat or drink too much at a time. All those lifestyles do great harm <br />to our health. Therefore, we should have a balanced diet including vegetables and <br />fruits, which is good to our health. What&#039;s more, we&#039;d better have meals regularly.<br /> As far as I&#039;m concerned, we should develop a good eating habit to keep healthy. <br />Only in this way can we keep fit and have enough energy to devote ourselves to study. <br />ed,we should develop to study. <br /> 【教师点评】<br />本文紧扣主题, 结构分明,分段描述了不良的饮食习惯及其坏处,最后还表达了自己的观点。<br />语言地道得体,词语和句型使用较规范,例如&mdash;些高级词;In terms of , rather than , be <br />particular about , do harm to , as far as I I&#039;m concerned 等的应用,而且还注意到了过渡词<br />汇的运用:however,and still , therefore,what’ s more等;在第二段的描述中避免了<br />一味地运用 first,second,third等,而是采用了 some &hellip;some&hellip;others以及 and still来<br />清晰条理地写出了各种不良的饮食习惯。另外还使用了灵活句式:Therefore,we should have <br />a balanced diet including vegetables and fruits,which is good for our health.这<br />是一个句意充实,结构复杂的句子,其中包含一个现在分词短语作定语和一个非限制性定语<br />从句,Only in this way can we keep fit and have enough energy to devote ourselves <br />to study. ed,we should develop to study. 这是一个 only +状语放在句首,句子要部分倒装<br /> <br />的语法点。<br />文章的不足之处在于:开头段落就出现了两处明显的语法错误①①there are more and more <br />students get fatter and fatter, and ②two fifth of them belong to the group of <br />overweight students.致使文章的风采锐减 ,同时这也是写作的一大忌讳,①处可改为:there <br />are more and more students getting tatter and fatter.②处可改为 two fifths of them <br />belong to him the group of over weight students. 另外文中的③单词拼写错误 habit中<br />只有一个 b。拼写错误在作文中也是应当避免的,<br /> 这是一篇文字提示性作文,要求写一篇饮食与健康关系的短文。写作时切忌受中文提纲<br />的制约,将书面表达变成翻译,造成语法结构和词汇上的单调。为避免遗漏要点,可先根据<br />提示列出一些主要的词汇(组)、如:realize;become aware of ; be rich in ;healthy <br />food ;as a result;become fat; heart disease;the link between diet and good <br />health;take exercise等,然后再把这些词或短语连成句子,并恰当使用一些过渡词语,这<br />样会使文章连贯、通顺。注意时态要以一般现在时为主。写这样的文章,一般要写明什么样<br />的做法会对健康有利或有害,人们应该怎样做才能保持健康等。<br /> 这样的文章尽管属于说明文不可避免... 查看更多

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