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2012 届高考英语二轮专题复习经典导学案资料(八十五) <br />每日一句 <br />Lately Peter is fascinated by Linda’s latest dramatic story which is much better <br />than her last one, so he is always late for school these days. <br />最近,Peter 迷上了 Linda 最新的戏剧性小说&mdash;&mdash;这部小说比她之前那部好多了,所以这几天 <br />他一直上课迟到。 <br />基础词汇强化练习 <br />1. The lunchtime menu is more than a________ to satisfy the biggest appetite. <br />2. We flew to Taiwan v________ Hongkong. <br />3. At last I found the letter a________ the papers. <br />4. Greece is considered to be the c________ of Western civilization. <br />5. The British job of Lecturer c________ roughly to the US Associate Professor. <br />6. The health a________ are investigating the scandal of poisonous milk powder. <br />7. The traffic accident left him p________ from the waist down. <br />8. They soon overcame the language b________ after they went to England. <br />9. The monument is dedicated to the memory of soldiers killed in the d________ of <br />the country. <br />10. Most of the n________ wants peace; only a minority wants the war to continue. <br />adequate via amongst cradle correspond authorities paralys/zed barrier <br />defence nation <br />书面表达经典句式强化记忆 <br />253. There seems to be... &hellip;看起来好像&hellip;&hellip;. <br />There seems to be a little misunderstanding between them. <br />看起来他们之间好像有点小误会. <br />254. There used to be... &hellip;过去曾有&hellip;&hellip;./曾经有过&hellip;&hellip;. <br />There used to be many forests in our country. 以前我们国家有很多森林. <br />255. There&#039;s no point in... &hellip;&hellip;是无意义的. <br />There&#039;s no point in getting angry when things have happened. <br />对已发生的事生气是没有意义的. <br />书面表达经典朗读素材 <br />You can’t be an Apple Loved by All People <br />An attractive apple got ripe and loved by many people. It happened to meet an old <br />man on the street one day. &ldquo;Do you love me?&rdquo; it asked with the most charming smile. <br /> &ldquo;No.&rdquo; answered the old man. <br /> &ldquo;Have you never heard of the saying ‘one apple a day, keep the doctor away from <br />me’?&rdquo; <br /> &ldquo;I don’t care. Because I don’t like your taste at all.&rdquo; <br /> The apple got disappointed. <br /> Yes! As an apple, even the best one in the world, can’t be loved by everybody. <br />Everyone has its own taste and things can change at any second. Sometimes we feel <br />down for not accepted by others. &ldquo;Perhaps I’m not that perfect yet&rdquo;, we begin to <br />blame ourselves, getting more and more frustrated. That’s cruel. It’s not your fault <br />not to be appreciated. Many people walk in and out of your life, but very few will <br />leave footprints in your heart. You can’t be 100% perfect, anyway, and you don’t <br />have to be. <br /> Remember, don’t set your goals by what other people consider important. You can’t <br />be an apple loved by all people. All that you can do is trying to be the best apple <br />and letting others do the judging. <br />经典谚语积累 <br />Don&#039;t make a mountain out of a molehill. 不要小题大做。 <br />高频考点拾贝 <br />书面表达系... 查看更多

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