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2012 届高考英语二轮专题复习经典导学案资料(一百零四) <br />每日一句 <br />At last, the leader drew the conclusion that he preferred to run a risk of developing <br />new products rather than go on producing the products that can’t meet the demands <br />of the new market.最后,领导得出理论:他宁可冒险开发新产品也不愿意继续生产这些无法 <br />满足市场需要的产品。 <br />基础词汇强化练习 <br />1.A sad picture was ___________(呈现) to our sight. <br />2.Does this letter __________(折射) how you really think? <br />3.We should pay special attention to those students who are _________(沉醉于) to <br />computer games. <br />4.Those proposals tend to ___________(忽视) some important facts. <br />5.How can you _________(容忍) all that noise while you are working. <br />6.Rescurers are __________(关注) the two men trapped in the mine. <br />7.He made a great __________(努力) to improve his English. <br />8.We often go to the __________(社会的) parties to make friends. <br />9.Our government is a ____________(负责任的) one. <br />10.Through ____________(比较),we found which wan better. <br />1.presented 2. reflect 3.addicted 4.ignore 5.tolerate 6.concerned <br />7.effort 8.social 9.responsible 10.comparison <br />书面表达经典句式强化记忆 <br />22.(因某事)而感谢(某人) <br /> be grateful to sb for sth / <br />be grateful to do/ <br />be grateful that&hellip; <br />We are very grateful to the respected professor for having given us such a wonderful <br />lecture. <br />我们非常感谢那位尊敬的教授给我们作了这么精彩的讲座。 <br /> be thankful( to sb )for sth/ be thankful that <br /> be thankful to have done&hellip; <br />You should be thankful to have escaped / that you have escaped with only minor <br />injuries. <br /> 你仅受轻伤而脱险,应感到欣慰。 <br /> be much obliged to sb for sth <br /> I am much obliged to you for having done me the favor to look after my pet. <br /> 非常感谢你帮忙照看我的宠物。 <br /> I’d appreciate it if you’d&hellip; <br /> I’d appreciate it if you could help me with my English. <br /> 如果你能帮我学习英语我将不胜感激。 <br /> appreciate one’s doing / sth <br /> I appreciate your help. 非常感谢你的帮忙。 <br /> thank sb for sth <br />Thank you for coming to our party. <br />感谢参加我们的聚会。 <br /> extend one’s thanks to sb <br /> I extend my sincere thanks to you for having visited our school. <br /> 衷心感谢你们对我校的来访。 <br />23. It is good / bad manners to do / for sb to do &hellip;&hellip; <br /> It is bad manners to stare at others. 瞪着眼睛看别人是不礼貌的。 <br />24. Only + 状语/ 状语从句 + 一般疑问句 <br /> Only by keeping learning can we keep up with the advancement of modern science. <br /> 我们只有不断地学习,才能跟上现代科学的步伐。 <br /> Only in a different way was he able to do the experiment. <br /> 只有用了一种不同的方法他才做成了那个试验。 <br /> Only after he had the confidence in himself did he make great progress in his study. <br />只有在他对自己有了信心之后,他才在学习上取得了很大的进步。 <br />书面表达经典朗读素材 <br />Live with thankfulness-心存感恩 <br />Do you know Thanksgiving Day? Do you know why human thank God? Thanksgiving falls <br />on the fourth Thursday of November, a different date every year. The President ... 查看更多

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