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专题 15 完形填空 <br />(一) <br />In my early childhood, my parents and teachers taught me to be persistent (执着) <br />in every task I devoted myself to. I was __1__ that persistence is the only way <br />towards success. But a small __2__ made me change my mind. <br />One day my two­year­old son, __3__ at a dozen of &ldquo;stood&rdquo; color <br />marker­pens, cheered excitedly,&ldquo;Mummy, look! I did it.&rdquo; Afterwards, he collected <br />some ball­pens, __4__ to do the same. Hard though he tried, the ball­pens just <br />lay __5__. He turned to me for help. Noticing they had either sharp or round ends, <br />I said __6__, &ldquo;Mummy can&#039;t help you.&rdquo; To my surprise, he wouldn&#039;t listen and <br />continued trying... I was dumbfounded by his persistence. <br />My son&#039;s behavi our reminded me of George who was always __7__ in his work <br />and rarely talked to anyone. To him, __8__, there was no such thing called weekends <br />or holidays. Our boss praised __9__ about him and __10__ us to look up to him <br />as a role model. <br />One day I met George. &ldquo;Gonna work late again tonight?&rdquo; <br />&ldquo;Probably can&#039;t leave till midnight,&rdquo; he said. <br />&ldquo;How many hours have you put in here each week, eighty or ninety?&rdquo; <br />&ldquo;__11__.&rdquo; <br />&ldquo;Don&#039;t you have time to be with your family at all?&rdquo; <br />He shook his head slowly and __12__ a sigh. &ldquo;It&#039;s not what I wanted. But <br />I have worked on it for so long. It&#039;s much too __13__ to even think about letting <br />go.&rdquo; <br />A year later I resigned. The __14__ thing I heard about him was that his wife <br />divorced him. Since then I&#039;ve never seen him. But occasionally his aged __15__ <br />would come to my mind. <br />Until that day, __16__ knowing why the ball­pens couldn&#039;t stand up, the <br />two­year­old had __17__ the impossibility after many failures. He put aside all <br />the ball­pens and kept only those water markers for his &ldquo;game&rdquo;. __18__, he <br />already learned to let go of his previous __19__ attempts. <br />In our daily life, many headaches can be avoided if we know how to __20__ them <br />and then decisively let go of them immediately. <br />文章大意:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过自己儿子以及以前一位同事的例子说明了 <br />,当意识到目标无法实现时,应该学会接受失败,懂得放手的道理。 <br />1.A.confident B.consistent <br />C.conscious D.convinced <br />2.A.event B.incident <br />C.accident D.affair <br />3.A.pointing B.shouting <br />C.screaming D.laughing <br />4.A.insisting B.requiring <br />C.intending D.urging <br />5.A.flat B.silent <br />C.still D.quiet <br />6.A.deliberately B.casually <br />C.unintentionally D.enthus... 查看更多

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