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专题 1 名词和冠词 <br />1. Sometimes it&#039;s a bit challenging to reach a ________ between parents&#039; <br />expectations and their kids&#039; desires. <br />A.commitment B.comprehension <br />C.cooperation D.compromise <br />2. After ________ careful consideration, they finally decided that each child will <br />be offered ________ university education. <br />A.the; a B.不填;an <br />C.a; an D.不填;a <br />3. Currently, many American women are still faced with the ________ of choosing <br />between work and family commitments. <br />A.desperation B.confusion <br />C.dilemma D.concern <br />4.Some students think they enjoy reading just out of interest, but others argue <br />that a better score is their main ________. <br />A.recognition B.attraction <br />C.occupation D.motivation <br />答案:D 考查名词辨析。句意为:一些学生认为他们喜欢阅读是出于兴趣,然而另一 <br />些学生却认为得高分才是他们去阅读的动力(motivation)。recognition 认出;attraction <br />吸引力;occupation 占有,职业,均不符合语境,故排除。 <br />5.&mdash;What does PM2.5 mean? <br />&mdash;It&#039;s a professional ________ indicating the condition of air pollution. <br />A.term B.item <br />C.number D.mark <br />6. We need an effective strategy to help children living in ________ poverty to <br />have the opportunity to receive ________ good education. <br />A./;a B.a;/ <br />C./;the D.the;a <br />7.The actress received an award for her ________ to charity work. <br />A.addiction B.devotion <br />C.allowance D.application <br />8.According to ________ People&#039;s Daily article, 40% of the lakes in Jiangsu have <br />dried up in ________ past 30 years. <br />A.the;a B.不填;the <br />C.a;the D.不填;a <br />9 . Liu Yang is ________ first woman astronaut in China who reached ________ <br />space. <br />A.不填;the B.the;不填 <br />C.the;the D.a;a <br />10.One hundred thousand years ago, ________ choice was simple when it came to <br />________ drink&mdash;there was no choice. It was water or nothing. <br />A.the;a B. a;不填 <br />C.the;不填 D.a;the <br />11. In recent years, many mainland residents have rushed to Hong Kong to buy baby <br />milk powder due to their ________ about its quality. <br />A.anxiety B.curiosity <br />C.generosity D.attention <br />12.________ walk is expected to last all day, so bring ________ packed lunch. <br />A.A; a B.The; / <br />C.The; a D.A; / <br />13. It is high time that we started to consider what ________ we should take to <br />reduce heavy smog caused by traffic fumes and other pollutions. <br />A.affectio n B.attention <br />C.measures D.advantages <br />答案:C 考查名词辨析。句意为:现在是时候开始考虑采取一些措施来减轻因交通烟 <br />雾和其他污染所造成的雾霾了。take measures 是固定短语,意为&ldquo;采取措施&rdquo;。同义短语 <br />还有 take steps/action。故答案选 C。 <br />14. I&#039;ll be busy on ________ Sunday morning, and perhaps I&#039;ll have ________ <br />late night. <br />A.the; a B./; a <br />C./; the D.the; / <br />15. The teachers hope students can keep a ________ between work and relaxation. <br />A.promise B.lead <br />C.balance D.diary <br />16.The new system has been designed to give students quick and easy ________ to the <br />d... 查看更多

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