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专题 08 动词的时态和语态 <br />1.&mdash;We&#039;ll go to the party to be held in Qinghai Grand Theater at 8 tonight. Could <br />you join us? <br />&mdash;I&#039;m afraid I can&#039;t. I ________ the holiday plan with my friends. <br />A.am discussing B.have discussed <br />C.will be discussing D.will have discussed <br />2.&mdash;Car prices have been going down sharply in the last 20 years. <br />&mdash;It&#039;s not surprising because the law of market ________ the price of a product. <br />A.is controlling B.controls <br />C.has controlled D.controlled <br />3.&mdash;Look, I&#039;ve got admission to Harvard University for a short­term study next <br />semester. <br />&mdash;How fantastic! You ________ a different university life then. <br />A.have experienced B.will be experiencing <br />C.have been experiencing D.will have experienced <br />4. Today many physical bookstores ________ down with financial difficulties, <br />inflexible management strategies and competitive pressure from online bookstores. <br />A.had closed B.having closed <br />C.being closed D.are closing <br />答案:D 考查动词时态。句意为:由于死板的管理模式和网上书店竞争压力,如今很 <br />多实体书店因资金问题正面临着倒闭。根据语意及句中的时间状语&ldquo;Today&rdquo;可知,此处表 <br />示&ldquo;目前正在进行和发生的动作&rdquo;,因此应用现在进行时。故答案选 D。 <br />5. Despite ongoing street protests, US beef ________ in South Korea due to its <br />lower price. <br />A.is sold well B.sells well <br />C.sells poorly D.is sold poorly <br />6. In general, most tennis ________ on hard courts or on clay. <br />A.plays B.is played <br />C.has played D.has been played <br />7.&mdash;Ouch! You hurt me. <br />&mdash;I&#039;m sorry. But I ________ any harm. I ________ to drive a rat out. <br />A.don&#039;t mean; am trying <br />B.didn&#039;t mean; tried <br />C.haven&#039;t meant; tried <br />D.didn&#039;t mean; was trying <br />8. It&#039;s said that they ________ a better life ever since they moved to the US. <br />A.had enjoyed B.have been enjoying <br />C.were enjoying D.would enjoy <br />9.&mdash;Look! Someone ________ the floor. <br />&mdash;Well, it wasn&#039;t me. I went shopping just now. <br />A.had swept B.has swept <br />C.was sweeping D.is sweeping <br />10.&mdash;David, are you listening to me? <br />&mdash;Sorry, Dad. I ________ to make sense of what the reporter said. <br />A.was trying B.have tried <br />C.am trying D.tried <br />11. If this product does not give you complete satisfaction, please return it to <br />the manufacturer, stating when it ________. <br />A.is purchased B.will be purchased <br />C.purchases D.has purchased <br />答案:A 考查时态和语态。句意:如果你对产品不完全满意,请退回给生产商,并注 <br />明购买的时间。purchase 和 it 构成动宾关系,故应用被动语态。此处说的是一般性情况, <br />故用一般现在时。 <br />12.&mdash;What&#039;s the matter with Philips? <br />&mdash;Something must have happened to him. He left home three hours ago, but ________ <br />at the party! <br />A.didn&#039;t arrive B.isn&#039;t arriving <br />C.hadn&#039;t arrived D.hasn&#039;t arrived <br />13. The vegetables in his field ________ well, because they are pollution­free. <br />A.are selling B.have been sold <br />C.are sold D.sell <br />14. If we don&#039;t hurry up, everything ________ by the time we get to the party. <br />A.will be eaten ... 查看更多

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