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专题 04 动词及动词短语 <br />1. Do your best to remember other people&#039;s names and interests, which shows you <br />________ them. <br />A.look up to B.worry about <br />C.care about D.look after <br />2.The situation after the big earthquake was unexpected, and no one knew what would <br />________ of us the next minute. <br />A.spend B.happen <br />C.relax D.become <br />3. We hope one day all the violence and poverty will be ________ in the whole world <br />and we can live a really harmonious life. <br />A.put out B.given out <br />C.wiped out D.left out <br />4.The official ________ to say more about the plan, so the details of it remain <br />secret. <br />A.agreed B.declined <br />C.attempted D.declared <br />答案:B 考查动词辨析。句意为:这位官员拒绝更多地谈论该计划,因此计划的细节 <br />仍然是保密的。decline 意为&ldquo;婉言拒绝&rdquo;,符合语境,故 B 项正确。agree 意为&ldquo;同意&rdquo;; <br />attempt 意为&ldquo;尝试&rdquo;;declare 意为&ldquo;断言&rdquo;,与语境不符,故排除。 <br />5.I was just chatting with the director when a stranger ________. <br />A.cut in B.cut down <br />C.cut off D.cut up <br />6 . Recently the Chinese society has ________ a flow of new words such as <br />&ldquo;Geili&rdquo; and &ldquo; Shanhun&rdquo;. <br />A.seen B.observed <br />C.made D.looked <br />7.At first I was a little worried, but I&#039;m glad that things have ________ quite <br />well for me. <br />A.carried out B.worked out <br />C.figured out D.made out <br />8.When a new disease breaks out, experts must ________ what to do in the fastest <br />way. <br />A.figure out B.take out <br />C.point out D.make out <br />答案:A 考查动词短语。句意:当一种新疾病爆发时,专家们必须以最快的方式弄明 <br />白应该干什么。figure out&ldquo;计算出,解决,弄明白,合计&rdquo;;take out&ldquo;拿出&rdquo;;point <br />out&ldquo;指出&rdquo;;make out&ldquo;辨认出&rdquo;。 <br />9. Through educating himself and strengthening his own will power, every <br />individual should be able to ________ the temptation of cigarettes. <br />A.remove B.register <br />C.resist D.reserve <br />10.&mdash;Do you know why Michael resigned from the board? <br />&mdash;He held out for higher wages, but was ________ in the end. <br />A.put down B.broke down <br />C.cut down D.turned down <br />11.In this company, suggestions have to wait for months before they are fully <br />________. <br />A.spun B.absorbed <br />C.motivated D.considered <br />12. While college graduates ________ a lack of available jobs, factories are <br />facing difficulties in hiring workers. <br />A.carry through B.complain of <br />C.bring about D.break in <br />13.If the time is ________ exactly, the paper can be finished on time. <br />A.made out B.figured out <br />C.carried out D.put out <br />14.&mdash;How did you find the film The Flowers of War? <br />&mdash;It&#039;s very moving. I couldn&#039;t ________ my tears. <br />A.hold back B.hold on <br />C.hold up D.hold out <br />15.The Chinese government has overcome problems of population and economy to <br />________ its &ldquo;nine years ... 查看更多

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