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‎2019高考牛津英语二轮练习专题训练卷(五)‎ <br />‎(1)‎ <br />‎(原创)In cities, the ever­present dull background roar (轰鸣) of planes, cars, machinery and voices is a fact of life. There is no escape from it and I was beginning to be driven mad by it. In an attempt to recapture some peace, I travelled to a temple, a small poor house and a mine 2km underground &mdash; all very quiet but not the holy place of silence. The one place I was most excited about visiting was the anechoic (无回声旳) hall. ‎ <br />Ironically, far from being peaceful, most people find its perfect quiet upsetting. Being deprived of the usual sounds can result in fear. The presence of sound means things are working; it&#039;s business as usual &mdash; when sound is absent, that signals dangers. A violinist tried it and knocked on the door after a few seconds, demanding to be let out because he was so disturbed by the silence.‎ <br />I booked a 45­minute period &mdash; no one had managed to stay in for that long before. I felt anxious for two reasons: would I go mad and tear off my clothes? Or would I simply be disappointed because it wasn&#039;t as enjoyable as I&#039;d hoped?‎ <br />When the heavy door shut behind me, I was thrown into darkness. For the first few seconds, being in such a quiet place made me feel nervous. I tried to hear something and heard&hellip;nothing. Then, after a minute or two, I became aware of the sound of my breathing, so I held my breath. The sound of my heartbeat became apparent &mdash; nothing I could do about that. As the minutes went by, I started to hear the blood rushing in my body. Your ears become more sensitive as a place gets quieter, and mine were going overtime. I heard my skin moving over my head, which was a strange noise I couldn&#039;t explain. The feeling of peace was spoiled by a little disappointment &mdash; this place wasn&#039;t quiet at all.‎ <br />I didn&#039;t feel afraid and came out only because my time was up; I would happily have spent longer in there. Everyone was impressed that I&#039;d beaten the record, but having spent so long searching for quiet, I was comfortable with the feeling of absolute stillness. Afterwards I felt wonderfully rested and calm.‎ <br />I found that making space for moments of quiet in my day is the key to happiness &mdash; they give you a chance to think about what you want in life. How can you really focus on what&#039;s important if you&#039;re distracted by constant background noise? If you can occasionally become master of your own sound environment &mdash; from turning off the TV to moving to the country, as I did &mdash; you become a lot more accepting of the noises of everyday life.‎ <br />‎ 1. Why did the writer love to travel everywhere?‎ <br />A. To find a place to enjoy himself.‎ <br />B. To study the customs of other countries.‎ <br />C. To discover whether absolute silence exists.‎ <br />D. To escape from the background roar of vehicles.‎ <br />‎ 2. It is implie... 查看更多

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