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‎2019高考牛津英语二轮练习专题训练卷(一)‎ <br /> <br />专题训练卷(一)‎ <br />‎(1)‎ <br />SECTION A <br />Directions: In this section, you&#039;ll hear 6 conversations between 2 speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by 3 choices. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter (A, B or C) on the question booklet. You will hear each conversation TWICE.‎ <br />Conversation 1‎ <br />‎ 1. What does the woman want to do?‎ <br />A. Get a car insurance. ‎ <br />B. Buy a new car. ‎ <br />C. Sell her old car. ‎ <br />‎ 2. What will the man do?‎ <br />A. Call the woman later. ‎ <br />B. Give the woman a number. ‎ <br />C. Give the woman a lift. ‎ <br />Conversation 2‎ <br />‎ 3. For whom does the man buy a present? ‎ <br />A. His daughter. B. His girlfriend. ‎ <br />C. His elder sister. ‎ <br />‎ 4. What does the woman recommend at last?‎ <br />A. A doll. B. A dress. ‎ <br />C. A pet. ‎ <br />Conversation 3‎ <br />‎ 5. What does the man think is the cause of the woman&#039;s illness?‎ <br />A. Last night&#039;s dinner. ‎ <br />B. The hot weather. ‎ <br />C. Bottled water. ‎ <br />‎ 6. What is the possible relationship between the speakers?‎ <br />A. Husband and wife. ‎ <br />B. Doctor and patient. ‎ <br />C. Guest and receptionist. ‎ <br />Conversation 4‎ <br />‎ 7. How many subjects does the woman take this semester?‎ <br /> <br />A. Three. B. Four.‎ <br />C. Five.‎ <br />‎ 8. Where is the man going to work this semester?‎ <br />A. At the library. B. In a factory. ‎ <br />C. In his department. ‎ <br />‎ 9. What&#039;s the students&#039; attitude towards Professor Stillwell&#039;s class?‎ <br />A. Positive. B. Negative.‎ <br />C. Indifferent.‎ <br />Conversation 5‎ <br />‎10. What did Mary plan to do this Saturday?‎ <br />A. Watch TV. B. Nothing. ‎ <br />C. Go to the cinema.‎ <br />‎11. How long Mary haven&#039;t seen a film?‎ <br />A. Two months. B. One month. ‎ <br />C. Two weeks.‎ <br />‎12. What kind of movie does Mary like best?‎ <br />A. Horror movies. ‎ <br />B. Movies about war and disaster.‎ <br />C. Comedies.‎ <br />Conversation 6‎ <br />‎13. What did the woman buy last week?‎ <br />A. A sweater. B. A shirt. ‎ <br />C. A pair of trousers.‎ <br />‎14. What caused the problem?‎ <br />A. The woman washed it in hot water.‎ <br />B. The woman washed it in the washing machine.‎ <br />C. The woman washed it in dry­cleaned way.‎ <br />‎15. What language were the instructions written in?‎ <br />A. Chinese. B. English. ‎ <br />C. Spanish.‎ <br />SECTION B <br />Directions: In this section, you&#039;ll hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you&#039;ve heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.‎ <br />‎ You&#039;ll hear the short passage TWICE.An unforgotten day <br />Time: After 16. ____________, at the age of 6, in primary school <br />Thing: Because I was punished for 17. ________ and mistook the teacher&#039;s words, I was locked ‎ <br /> <br />inside the school. 18. ____________ looked for me here and there. ‎ <br />‎19. ____________: Getting news from one of 20. ____________, my father finally found me. From then on I didn&#039;... 查看更多

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