
高考新课标英语二轮专题复习 专题强化训练 专题五 短文改错 Word含答案


专题五 短文改错 <br />训练1‎ <br />A <br />At present,I am extreme happy because I am doing what I like.As a senior three student,I study hard every day and live it at the full.It feels like good to study hard with my determining classmates to fulfill our dreams.When I recalled the happy things happened to me,the experience of my receiving the scholarship in middle school topped it all.It was a time when my family is going through financial difficulties.So I made up my mind to win the scholarship,hoped to lighten my parents&#039; financial burden.After making tons of painstaking effort,I succeeded.At the ceremony,my mum was the most poorly-dressed woman,and with the brightest smile on her face.‎ <br />答案:‎ <br />At present,I am happy because I am doing what I like.As a senior three student,I study hard every day and live it the full.It feels good to study hard with my classmates to fulfill our dreams.When I recalled the happy things happened to me,the experience of my receiving the scholarship in middle school topped all.It was a time when my family going through financial difficulties.So I made up my mind to win the scholarship, to lighten my parents&#039; financial burden.After making tons of painstaking ,I succeeded.At the ceremony,my mum was <br /> <br />‎ the most poorly-dressed woman, with the brightest smile on her face.‎ <br />B <br />On September 29,the students in our class paid visit to China Science and Technology Museum.At 8:00,we leave for China Science and Technology Museum by school bus.At 8:30,a guide introduced them to us briefly and told us how we should pay attention to during our visit.Ten minutes later,we were divided into five groups but began our separate visit.Some students took notes carefully as if they visited.All the students were amazing at the rapid achievements in science and technology.Three hours had gone by after we knew it.At 11:30,we returned to our school.This visit not only broadened my outlook but also aroused my greatly interest in science and technology.‎ <br />答案:‎ <br />On September 29,the students in our class paid visit to China Science and Technology Museum.At 8:00,we for China Science and Technology Museum by school bus.At 8:30,a guide introduced to us briefly and told us we should pay attention to during our visit.Ten minutes later,we were divided into five groups began our separate .Some students took notes carefully as they visited.All the students were at the rapid achievements in science and technology.Three hours had gone by we knew it.At 11:30,we returned to our school.This visit not only broadened my ‎ <br /> <br />outlook but also aroused my interest in science and technology.‎ <br />C <br />This morning,I was jogging in the park when I caught the sight of a wallet on a bench.I picked up and checked the contents.Inside it,I found some money or a card with a phone number.Believe that... 查看更多

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