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  • 2023-05-31 18:25:04
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中考英语作文专题复习课学案 <br />‎ ----How to Write English Compositions <br />‎ 1.Discussion:How to Write English Compositions?‎ <br />‎2.Learn the steps of writing: (书面表达六步法)‎ <br />改 <br /> <br />Sample:健康很重要。在学习和工作的压力日趋增大的今天,会休息的人才会有健康的身体。人们是如何度过假期的呢?国际健康组织对此作了一次调查,下图是他们此次的调查结果。根据你所得的信息,请为国际健康组织写一篇完整的调查报告,并提倡大家进行假日休闲。 ‎ <br />Step1 Cross-question <br />‎1)Style (体裁):__________ 2)Person(人称):_________ 3)Tense(时态): _________________ 4)据实描写:_________________ 适当发挥:_________________ ★ 具体做法:_________________ Step2 An outline drawing 1)List key points(列要点)‎ <br />‎___________________________________________________________________‎ <br />‎ __________________________________________________________________ 2)Arrange and Add (布局加首尾)‎ <br />‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ‎ <br /> <br />‎★Structure:(作文一般框架:文章分3段)‎ <br />Begging(开头):概括性强,尽量2句话引入主题; Body(正文):主要内容:展开描述,层次性强,要有过渡型连接词。 Ending(结尾):总结观点,发表己见,首尾呼应 Step3 Sentence Making and Beautifying 在有把握的情况下遣词造句,改变句式或添加语句,展示自己的语言功底。可适当多使用定语从句、宾语从句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。 ★英语写作微技巧 方法一:善用意义相近的 高级词汇,避免行文单调。 方法二 : 活用多种句型,避免重复和呆板,增加文采。 方法三: 妙用引文和例子,旁征博引,丰富文章内容,增加说服力。 方法四:妙用关联词,使行文连贯流畅,使文章富有层次感。‎ <br />方法五:另辟蹊径.采用变通的办法,化难为易,化繁为简. Enjoy some proverbs 1.Practice makes perfect. 2.Think twice before you do. <br />3.Where there is a will, there is a way. 4.Do as the Romans do. <br />5.The early bird catches the worm. 6.Failure is the mother of success.‎ <br />‎7.An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 8.All roads lead to Rome. Step4.Sentence connection 关联词(connection words) 1.表示并列: and, as well as, not only&hellip;but also,both&hellip;and, neither&hellip;nor, 2.表示递进: besides, what’s more, in addition, last but not the least(最后但同样重要的是) 3.表示转折: but, however, although hough, after all, anyway 4.表示因果: because, since, for, so, therefore, as a result 5.表示条件: if, unless 6.表示对比: instead, not&hellip;but, while, on the one hand&hellip;on the other hand 7.表示解释: for example, for instance, such as ,that is to say, in other words, ‎ <br />‎8.表示顺序: first (of all) , next,then, finally, firstly, second(ly), in the end; ‎ <br />‎9.表示强调: also, besides, especially, actually, in fact 10.表示结论: all in all, in a word, generally speaking, in short 11.表陈述事实:In fact 11.表达自己观点:As far as I know,In my opinion Let’s try. (Using the proper connection words) 1.________I am tired, I keep on working till midnight. 2.He didn’t go to movies, he went to the concert ______. 3.We like doing kinds of sports _____ swimming, running and hiking. 4._____, he stood up. Then he ... 查看更多

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