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  • 2023-05-30 12:25:06
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1 <br /> 高考写作必备高级词汇替换 <br />动词篇(40) <br />1. 给 give offer <br />provide <br />2. 想要 want would like to <br />be eager to <br />long for <br />3. 遇见 meet encounter <br />come across <br />4. 培养 develop cultivate/ <br />foster <br />5. 导致 cause lead to/ <br />result in <br />2 <br />6. 得到 get gain <br />obtain <br />acquire <br />7. 参加 join in participate in/ <br />take part in <br />8. 考虑 think about take sth. Into consideration/count <br />9. 喜欢 like be keen on <br />have an appetite for <br />10.需要 need require <br />11.拜访 visit pay a visit to <br />12.决定 decide determine <br />make up one’s mind <br />13.利用 use make (the best) use of <br />3 <br />take (full) advantage of <br />14.擅长 be good at have a good command of <br />be experienced in <br />15.赞扬 praise speak highly of <br />16.提高 improve enhance <br />promote <br />17.努力 try hard make an effort to <br />spare no effort to <br />18.强调 stress emphasize <br />underline <br />19.完成 finish complete <br />accomplish <br />20.购买 buy purchase <br />21.发生 happen occur/take place <br />4 <br />22.反对 be against disapprove of <br />disagree with <br />23.支持 support be in favor of <br />24.鼓励 encourage inspire <br />motivate <br />25.感谢 thank gratitude <br />appreciate <br />26.希望 hope expect <br />27.对…感兴趣 be interested in be absorbed in/ <br />be addicted to <br />28.记住 remember keep/bear in mind <br />memorize <br />29.应该 should be supposed to do <br />30.想出 think of come up with <br />5 <br />31.节约 save set aside <br />32.不得不 have to can’t help but <br />33.意识到 realize be aware of <br />34.马上就来 coming soon around the corner <br />35.帮助 help assist <br />do sb. a favor <br />36.照顾 look after attend to <br />37.解决 solve resolve <br />cope/deal with <br />38.寻求帮助 ask sb. for help turn to sb. for help <br />39.不知所措 don’t know have no idea <br />be at a loss to do/for sth. <br />40.停止 stop cease <br />prevent from <br />6 <br />形容词篇(21 个) <br />1. 许多 many a great number of <br />quite a few <br />considerable <br />much a great deal of <br />2. 一些 some several <br />a couple of <br />3. 越来越多的 more and more an increasing number of <br />Increasingly <br />4. 大部分 most of a majority of <br />5. 好的 good fantastic <br />outstanding <br />remarkable <br />6. 坏的 bad terrible <br />7 <br />awful <br />7. 漂亮的 beautiful attractive <br />gorgeous <br />8. 重大的 great significant <br />of significance <br />9. 困难的 hard/difficult tough <br />challenging <br />10.重要的 important vital/critical <br />of importance <br />11.有用的 useful beneficial <br />of use/benefit <br />12.基本的 basic essential <br />13.必须的 necessary indispensable <br />of necessity <br />14.高兴的 happy delighted <br />8 <br />cheerful <br />15.劳累的 tired exhausted <br />16.真实的 true the case <br />17.严重的 serious severe <br />18.共同的 common shared <br />19.富有的 rich wealthy <br />20.贫穷的 poor needy <br />21.清晰的 clear obvious <br />apparent <br />副词类(7) <br />1. 绝不 never by no means <br />2. 非常 very extremely <br />3. 马上 soon immediately <br />4. 仅仅 only merely/nothing but <br />9 <br />5. 现如今 nowadays currently <br /> for the moment <br />in the last few years <br />6. 有时候 sometimes occasionally <br />7. 然而 however nevertheless <br />名词类(8) <br />1. 能力 ability capability <br />2. 问题 problem issue <br />trouble <br />3. 年轻人 teenager youngster <br />adolescent <br />4. 老年人 old people the elderly aged <br />4. 计划安排 plan arrangement <br />5. 困难 difficulty obstacle <br />10 <br />barrier <br />6. 人 person/one individual <br />7. 会议 meeting conference <br />8. 方法 way method <br />approach <br />其他类(9) <br />1. 在我看来 In my opinion From my perspective/ <br />As far as I’m concerned <br />2. 事实上 In fact As a matter of fact <br />3. 在…期间 during in the course of <br />4. 例如 for example for instance <br />such as consisting of <br />5. 一…就… as soon as on doing sth. <br />Upon sth. <br />11 <br />The moment <br />Hardly (had) … when <br />No sooner (had) … than … <br />6. 因为 because of on account of <br />due to <br />owing to <br />7. 与此同时 at the same time meanwhile <br />8. 如果 if providing/provided (that) <br />as long as <br />9. 尽管 although in spite of 查看更多

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