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  • 2023-05-30 03:55:03
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高考英语作文备考材料 <br /> <br />英语写作专项训练 <br />一.请记住下列常用谚语: <br />1.教育与学习类: <br />(1).知识就是力量 Knowledge is power. <br />(2).玉不琢不成器 Unpolished pearls never shine. <br />(3).学无坦途 There is no royal road to learning <br />(4).天才不过是勤奋而已 Genius is nothing but labor and diligence. <br />(5).岁月不待人 Time and tide waits for no man <br />(6).活到老学到老 One is never too old to learn. <br />(7).滴水穿石 Constant dropping can wear the stone <br />2.工作与生活类 <br />(1).服务他人的生活才有意义 Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. <br />(2).只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy <br />(3).健康是最大的财富 Good health is over wealth <br />(4).一天一个苹果,不要求医问药 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. <br />(5).良药苦口利于病 Good medicine for health tastes bitter to the mouth. <br />(6).人生并非康庄大道 Life is not all roses <br />(7).入乡随俗 When in Rome,do as Romans do. <br />(8).量体裁衣;量入为出 Cut your coat according to your cloth <br />(9).做人诚信为本 Honesty is the best policy. <br />(10).良好的开端等于成功的一半 Well begun is half done <br />(11).熟能生巧 Practice makes perfect. <br />(12).众人拾柴火焰高 Many hands make light work. <br />3.友情类 <br />(1).患难之交真朋友 A friend in need is a friend indeed. <br />(2).爱屋及乌 Love me, love my dog. <br />(3).益友难得 A faithful friend is hard to find. <br />4.理想与现实类 <br />(1).世上无难事,只怕有心人 Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. <br />(2).伟大的理想造就伟大的人物 Great hopes make great man <br />(3).除非亲自尝试,否则你永远不知道你能够做什么 <br />You never know what you can do till you try. <br />(4)人生应该树立目标,否则你的精力会白白浪费 <br />Have an aim in life, or your energies will all be wasted <br />(5).有志者事竟成 Where there is a will there is a way <br />(6).不劳则无获 No pains, no gains <br />(7) 罗马建成非一日之功 Rome was not built in one day. <br />(8) 早起的鸟有虫吃 The early bird catches the worm. <br />5.逆境与人生类 <br />(1).吃一堑长一智 A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit. <br />(2).凡事不可半途而废 Do nothing by halves <br />(3).逆水行舟,不进则退 He who does not advance loses ground. <br />(4).欲速则不达 More haste, less speed <br />(5).条条大道通罗马 All roads lead to Rome <br />(6).谁笑到最后,谁笑的最好 He laughs best who laughs last. <br />使用范例: <br />1.Don’t work too fast.A proverb goes well that _______________________________________ <br />2.Though you failed to get the job,you can try something else.Remember:__________________ <br />3.You must begin well if you want to do something well.You know,_______________________ <br />4.A proverb says,&rdquo;You are only young once.&rdquo; <br />5.It goes without saying that we can’t be young forever. <br />二..连贯性训练 <br />A.用已提供的短语填空 <br />1. to my joy, generally speaking, at first, nevertheless, in the end, in a word, now that <br />1)____________, it is not so cold in February. <br />2) Smoking costs us much money and it can easily cause a big fire. ___________, smoking can do us <br />much harm. <br />3) ______... 查看更多

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