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第一部分:高考英语华丽词组 <br />第二部分:高考英语作文必背句型 <br />第三部分:高考英语经典范文 <br />第三部分:高考英语作文高分词组 <br /> be curious about sth. 对&hellip;&hellip;感到好奇 <br />  do great damage to 对&hellip;&hellip;造成巨大损害 <br />  in danger 处境危险 <br />  out of date 过时 <br />  the other day 在不久前,前几天 <br />above all 首先,尤其重要的,最重要的 <br /> make a choice 挑选,选择 <br />at Christmas 圣诞节时 <br />      <br /> give sb. a clap 为&hellip;&hellip;鼓掌 <br /> get close to 接近 <br /> a table cloth 一块桌布 <br />a suit of clothes 一套衣服 <br />children&#039;s clothing 童装 <br />collect stamps 集邮 <br />come about 产生,发生 <br />  come across (偶然)遇见或发现 <br />  come up 走过来;长出,发芽,上升;抬头 <br />  in common 共同,共有 <br />  compete in a contest 参加比赛 <br />  give a concert 举办音乐会 <br />  on condition that 条件是 <br />  congratulate sb. on sth. 祝贺某人 <br />  on the contrary 相反地 <br />  out of control 失控 <br />  have a conversation with sb. 与&hellip;&hellip;谈话;交谈 <br />  in/during the course of 在&hellip;&hellip;期间/过程中 <br />  be covered with 被&hellip;&hellip;覆盖 <br />  be cross with sb. at sth. 因某事和某人发脾气 <br />  cross out 划掉 <br />  be cruel to sb. 对&hellip;&hellip;残忍 <br />  cubic meter 立方米  be deaf to sth. 对&hellip;&hellip;充耳不闻 <br />  deal with 对付,应付 <br />  in debt 负债 <br />  out of debt 还清债务 <br />  make a decision 作出决定 <br />  do good deeds 做好事 <br />  do the deed 付诸行动,生效 <br />  deep into the night 直到深夜 <br />  deep in thought 沉思 <br />  deep into the night 深夜 <br />  without delay 毫不耽搁,立刻 <br />  delay doing sth. 迟迟未做某事 <br />  deliver a speech 发表(演说等) <br />  meet the demands 满足要求 <br />  foreign language department 外语系 <br />  department store 百货商店 <br />  beyond description 难以形容 <br />  be determined to do sth. 决心做某事 <br />  with the development of industry 随着工业的发展 <br />  devote oneself to 献身于,致力于 <br />  be in danger of dying out 处于灭亡的危险中 <br />  make no difference 没作用,没影响 <br />  have difficulty in doing sth. 做&hellip;&hellip;有困难,难以&hellip;&hellip; <br />  be invited to dinner 应邀赴宴 <br />  in all directions 向四面八方 <br />  make a new discovery 做出新的发现 <br />  under discussion 正在讨论中 <br />  wash dishes 洗盘子 <br />  in the distance 在远方,在远处 <br />  be distant toward sb. 对&hellip;&hellip;冷淡 <br />  do good to 对&hellip;&hellip;有益 <br />  do wrong 做坏事,犯罪 <br />  from door to door 挨门挨户 <br />  next door 隔壁的 <br />  go downstairs 下楼 <br />  go downtown 到市区去 <br />  drag one&#039;s feet 缓慢前进,拖延 <br />  draw tears from sb. 催人泪下 <br />  dream of doing sth. 渴望做某事 <br />  drill a hole in the wall 在墙上钻孔 <br />  drive off 赶走 <br />  drive sb. mad 使某人发狂 <br />  earn money 挣钱 <br />  earn one&#039;s living 谋生 <br />  on earth 究竟 <br />  take it easy 别着急,别紧张,放松些 <br />  by accident 偶然,无意中 <br />  be active in 对(于)&hellip;&hellip;很积极 <br />  add up to 合计为 <br />  admit one&#039;s mistake 承认错误 <br />  take/follow one&#039;s advice 接受某人的建议 <br />  give advice on 就&hellip;&hellip;提出建议 <br />  advice sb. to do... 查看更多

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