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高考英语作文常用话题词汇精选<br />  高考英语书面表达对在选词和选句部分有较高的要求,尤其<br />是对于想要得到高分的学生,在作文要使用较高级词汇,借以突<br />显作文亮点,展示自己作文特色,同时也是提升作文档次的重要<br />方面。因此针对历年高考书面表达的高频话题考点,给同学们总<br />结了几个重要的话题词汇,希望你们能熟练掌握。 <br />话题一:环境保护<br />Pollution, protect the environment, give off a bad <br />smell, send out smoke and poisonous gases into the air, <br />pour waste water into the river, <br />cut down trees, throw litter, sandstorm, global <br />warming, Greenhouse effect, live in harmony with, take <br />proper measures to, improve the environ-ment, pose a <br />great threat to, be endangered, die out, become <br />extinct, species, be from bad to worse, spring up like <br />mushrooms, flood into...<br />话题二:中学生的兴趣爱好<br />Spare time, hobby, entertainment, be interested in, be <br />fond of, be keen on, have a taste in, read novels, <br />surf the internet, chat online, collect <br />stamps, doing sports, develop an interest in, play <br /> <br />musical instrument...<br />  话题三:友谊<br /> Make friends with, friendship, friendly, trust each <br />other, honesty, us, be loyal to, keep in touch with, <br />keep company with sb., have a lot in <br />common, share happiness and bitterness with each <br />other, , good-tempered...<br />  A friend is a present which you give yourself.<br />A life without a friend is a life without a sun.<br />...<br />话题四:劳动、求职与就业<br />Offer service to, heart and soul, physical labor, <br />mental labor, honorable, earn pocket money, part-time <br />job, full-time job, steel one’s mind, <br />enlarge one’s knowledge, get working experience, apply <br />for, major in, <br />graduate from, degree, scholarship, be skilled in, <br />confident, experienced, perform well in school, <br />leadership, communicative, cooperative, competitive, <br />diligent...<br />  话题五:校园文明与安全<br />School rules and regulations, obey, be neatly dressed, <br /> <br />respect one’s teachers and parents, be on time, keep the <br />environment clean, break the rules, spit, cheat in <br />exam, get in line, punish sb for, it’s shameful to, <br />library card, student ID, bicycle-permit, be absent <br />from...<br />  ...<br />高考英语作文话题词汇精选<br /> <br />话题一:中学生的爱好与兴趣 <br /> <br />spare time (业余时间), favorite (最喜欢的), interest(兴<br />趣 ), hobby(爱好 ), appetite(嗜好 ),taste(口味 ), read <br />novels(也小说), play football/basketball(打足球/篮球), <br />surf the internet(上网), chat online(在线聊天), play <br />games(玩游戏), collect stamps(集邮), make e-friends(交<br />网友), climb mountains(爬山), watch TV (看电视), enjoy <br />popular music(喜欢流行音乐),be interested in(对&hellip;感兴<br />趣), develop an interest in(在&hellip;方面发展兴趣), be fond <br />of(喜欢&hellip;),be keen on(喜欢&hellip;), have love for(喜爱&hellip;), have <br />a taste in(对&hellip;有兴趣) 等。 <br /> <br /> <br />话题二:劳动与劳动观念 <br /> <br />work(工作), be at work(在工作), work hard(努力工作), <br />produce(生产 ), worker(工人 ), labor force(劳动力 ), <br />labor(劳动 ), voluntary labor(义务劳动 ), serve the <br />people(为人民服务),heart and soul(全心全意),physical <br />labor( 体 力 劳 动 ), mental labor( 脑 力 劳 动 ), labor <br />viewpoint(劳动观念... 查看更多

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