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2009、2010年高考写作任务的共同特点:<br />描述所给信息:<br />2009:志愿者去敬老院开展志愿活动(时间、地点、人物、活动)<br />2010:李越的事迹(时间、地点、人物、活动)<br />分析原因、影响或结果<br />2009:老人们的反应<br />2010:李越的事迹对同学的影响<br />阐发你的简短评论或看法<br />2009:简短评论<br />2010:你的评论<br />关注学生生活、关注情感体验、关注表达的开放性<br />书面表达最忌:<br />要点不全,内容不完整;<br />字(字迹潦草 ,字迹不清);<br />不分段(分段是为了文章更清晰,至少<br />要分成两段);<br />低级错误(主谓不一致,时态不一致,词<br />性变化不正确,单词拼写错误等);<br />词汇堆砌(整篇几乎无完整句子,一塌<br />糊涂,某个词汇过频重复使用)。<br /> <br />一、 作文的卷面与书写;<br />二、 语言表达的层次性与丰富性;<br />三、 行文的逻辑性与流畅性;<br />四、 文章的思想性与开放性;<br />整洁、规范的书写是写作得分的亮点[规范策略]<br />A. 词汇的选择灵活多样;[词汇策略]<br />B. 句型结构运用灵活多变;[句式策略]<br />A.突出文章段落中的主题句;<br />B.归纳各种功能的连词;[行文策略]<br />书面表达解题策略<br />如要表示&ldquo;使&rdquo;,不要仅依靠make:<br />• a) This society still makes women unable to <br />enjoy equal rights.<br />• b) Women are still denied equal rights.<br />• a) The incident made me recall one of my <br />past experiences.<br />• b) The incident reminded me of one of my <br />past experiences.<br /> <br />如要表达&ldquo;越来越&rdquo;,不要只使用more and <br />more:<br />• a) More and more students find learning English <br />has become more and more difficult.<br />• b) Students in growing numbers find learning <br />English has become increasingly difficult.<br />• a) More and more teenagers smoke cigarettes in <br />recent years.<br />• b) Teenage smoking is on the rise in recent years.<br />• a) More and more teachers are demanded with the <br />development of economy.<br />• b) There is an increasing demand for teachers <br />with the development of economy.<br />如要表达&ldquo;大多数&rdquo;,不要一味用most:<br />• a) Most students take a part-time job after class.<br />• b) The vast majority of students take a part-time <br />job after class.<br />• a) Most people take part in sports of different <br />kinds.<br />• b) The considerable proportion of people take part <br />in sports of different kinds.<br />• a) Most college students take a negative attitude <br />towards smoking.<br />• b) The large percentage of college population take <br />a negative attitude towards smoking.<br /> <br />如要表达&ldquo;不仅&hellip;&hellip;,而且&hellip;&hellip;&rdquo;不要只用<br />not only... but also:<br />• a) Taking a part-time job can not only earn <br />a little money, but also have an opportunity <br />to contact society.<br />• b) Taking a part-time job means more than <br />a little money you can earn. It also means an <br />opportunity to contact society.<br />词汇策略<br />1、因为生病了他昨天没有参加会议。<br />He didn’t come to the meeting yesterday because he was ill.<br />He didn’t attend the meeting yesterday on account of his illness.<br />He was absent from the meeting yesterday owing to his illness.<br />His illness accounted for his absence from the meeting yesterday.<br />His illness prevented him from attending the meeting yesterday.<br />2、当他是孩童时,就喜爱学习。<br />When he was a child, he liked to learn everything.<br />As a child, he was fond of learning.<br />As a child, he took great pleasure in learning. <br />When he was a child, he was crazy about learning.<br />When he was a chil... 查看更多

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