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  • 2023-05-28 03:15:04
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‎24个话题写作必备语块 <br />班别:_______________ 姓名:________________‎ <br />话题1:个人情况 <br />‎1.出生于 be born in <br />‎2.主修 major in <br />‎3.毕业于/毕业后 graduate from/after graduation <br />‎4.从事于 be engaged in/go in for ‎ <br />‎5.有着&hellip;&hellip;的天赋 have a gift for/be gifted in/have a talent for <br />‎6. 受到良好教育的 well-educated <br />‎7. 中国国籍 (of) Chinese nationality <br />‎8. 电话号码 telephone number <br />‎9. 把心思用在 put one’s heart into <br />‎10. 集中精力于 concentrate on/focus one’s attention on <br />‎11. 致力于/献身于devote oneself to sth/doing sth/ be devoted to <br />‎12. 积极从事&hellip;&hellip; be active in sth <br />‎13. 对&hellip;&hellip;做研究 do research on <br />‎14. 对&hellip;&hellip;不在乎 care little about <br />‎15. 工作到深夜 work until midnight <br />‎16. 获得硕士学位 get/gain a master’s degree <br />‎17. 获得第一名 win the first prize (in&hellip;)‎ <br />‎18. 大获成功 achieve great success <br />‎19. 被&hellip;&hellip;录取;考入 be admitted to <br />‎20. 被认为是&hellip;&hellip; be regarded as/be considered as/be considered to be <br />‎21. 作为&hellip;&hellip;被铭记 be remembered as ‎ <br />‎22. (在&hellip;&hellip;上)排名第一 rank No.1 (in); rank the first (in)‎ <br />‎23. 因为&hellip;&hellip;获得很多奖 receive many awards for <br />‎24. 用某物奖赏某人 reward sb. with sth.‎ <br />‎25. 凭着无比的决心 with great determination ‎ <br />‎ ‎ <br />连句成篇 <br />‎1. 这个有语言天赋的学生1980年被中山大学录取,主修语言教育。(定语从句)‎ <br />‎2. 他如此致力于这个专业以致于经常工作到深夜。‎ <br />‎3. 同时他也积极从事慈善活动,不在乎利益和金钱。(现在分词做伴随状语)‎ <br />‎4. 由于他在教育方面获得了很多奖,他被认为是著名的教育学家。‎ <br />‎5. 他说如果你凭着无比的决心做自己的研究,你一定会获得成功。‎ <br />‎ In 1980 the student who had a talent for language was admitted to Zhongshan‎ ‎University and majored in language education. In the university, he was devoted to this profession so much that he often worked until midnight. Meanwhile, he was active in charity activities, caring little about profit and money. Because he has received many awards for education, he is regarded as a famous educator. As a successful man, he suggests that if you do your own research with great determination, you are sure to achieve great success.‎ <br /> <br /> <br />话题2: 家庭、朋友与周围的人 <br />‎1. 一个五岁的男孩 a boy aged five; a five-year-old boy <br />‎2. 在他十/三十多岁时 in his teens/thirties <br />‎3. 五岁时 at the age of five <br />‎4. 在某人童年时 in one’s childhood <br />‎5. 过着&hellip;&hellip;的生活 live/lead/have a&hellip;life ‎ <br />‎6. 谋生 earn one’s living; make a living <br />‎7. 照顾 look after/take care of/ attend to /care for <br />‎8. 养育;培养 bring up <br />‎9. 对某人要求严格 be strict with sb.‎ <br />‎10. 由&hellip;&hellip;引起 result from <br />‎11. 导致 result in; lead to; contribute to; bring about; give rise to; cause ‎ <br />‎12. 有能力做某事 be able to do sth; have the ability to do sth <br />‎13. 很有才能的女子 a w... 查看更多

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