国旗下演讲《身为一个正直的人》石家庄外国语教育集团坚持开放办学、培养学生的国际视野,先后同美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、新加坡、日本、俄罗斯、瑞典、丹麦等21个国家的174所建立了友好校际关系。集团在注重中外友好交流的同时,也积极推广宣传中国语言和文化。2006年,集团和瑞典法尔肯贝里高中订友好学校协议,常年开展师生互访交流,以及形式多样的文化活动和演出。2011年3月,经中国国家汉办(孔子学院总部)批准,双方共同建立承办孔子课堂。孔子课堂为中瑞搭建起交流的桥梁,通过这一平台,两国人民相互学习,彼此加深了了解。今天,石外集团迎来了友好学校瑞典法尔肯贝里高中的师生一行22人。在接下来的一周,他们将与集团师生深入交流互动、学习体验武术、面塑、版画、国画等中国特色课程,并且走进山区学校,深入了解中国的教育现状,并且将瑞典特色文化带给我们的师生。瑞典法尔肯贝里高中孔子课堂的外方校长Monica Breti 代表师生团组发言。《TobeHuman》“Dotootherswhatyouwouldwantothersdoforyou”AsasmallchildIlistenedwitheyeswideopentooneofthegreatestmenIhaveeverlovedandknown-mywiseandgentlegrandfather.He was a humble, simple man of very poor parents, yet he was one of the kindest and wisest human beeing I have ever come across. With only four years in school - just enough to teach himself to read and write - he still was the person everybody in the village came to for advise in all kinds of matter. As I grew older I understood why: he gave advise in a humble way, without judging and with a lot of compassion. His kind words were lika a soothing balm on everybodies upset and worried minds. My grandfather became my rolemodel. ,Now, as an adult, a teacher and a headmaster, I often think of my grandfather. As our world has grown smaller, in the sense that we all are much more connected in so many ways to eachother, I also sense a growing concern amongst our youth of the world for handling all the difficult tasks that the failures of our societies are leaving behind for them to solve. A lot of my students ask me “Monika, how can we make the world better as so many before us have failed?” And they express an exhaustion and a deep worry for the future. In my answer to them lies the wisdom of my grandfather: You can only be human. Do to others what you would want them do for you. Do not judge other people based on connections, wealth, clothing etc; judge them for their actions. Be compassionate and humble as you can never know when you will loose everything. And finally: keep learning all your life as knowledge is the only thing nobody can take away from you.Be human in the sense of my grandfather and in the sense of Confusius as he said: “Wisdom, compassion and courage are the three universally recongnized moral qualities of men”. Thank you for lending me your ears.演讲大意:当我还是个孩子的时候,我睁大眼睛倾听着我所爱的我认为这个世界上最伟大的人之一我睿智而温柔的祖父,他对我说:“做你想让别人为你做的事”。他是一个出身贫寒、简朴的人,然而他却是我见过的最善良、最聪明的人之一。虽然他只上过四年学,仅能自学读写——但村里的人有各种问题都会来征求祖父的意见。随着年龄的增长,我明白了原因:他以谦逊的方式给出建议,不批判、不偏袒。他那亲切的话语,对每个心烦意乱、忧心忡忡的人来说,都是一种安慰。我祖父成了我的榜样。现在,作为一个成年人,一个老师和校长,我经常想起我的祖父。随着我们的世界变得越来越小,从我们在许多方面都更紧密地联系在一起的意义上来说,我也感到我们世界的年轻人越来越关心如何处理我们的社会问题。我的很多学生问我:“莫妮卡,我们怎样才能使世界变得更美好?”他们表达了对未来深深的担忧。我用我祖父的方式来回答他们:你只能是人。做你想让别人为你做的事。不要以人脉、财富、衣着等为基础来评判别人;要以他们的行为来评判他们。要有同情心和谦虚,因为你永远不知道什么时候会失去一切。最后:要不断地学习,因为只有知识是别人拿不走的。从某种意义上讲,我祖父的认知和儒家学说不谋而合:“智慧、同情心和勇气是人们公认的三种道德品质。”感谢聆听。
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